Triple October Celebration '19

     Today was also a day of our 2nd Quarterly Exam, it was combined with different events such as Math and Science, UN ( United Nation ) and lastly is Holy Rosary. We all celebrated the day on October 25, 2019 with other students in Asian College of Technology. It was a lot of events in one day but at least we had fun and enjoyed our last day before our Sem Break starts and have a rest for everything. Our first is Holy Rosary, each representative for every country was able to put their flag in the Rosary with students. Here is a picture of what happend on the event.

    The second event was United Nation, it was combined with the Holy Rosary. But overall each section had representatives that may be 3 or 4. They all had a country and represnted the country on how the dress. They all wore traditional clothes or how they country normally wear. They all looked so beautiful and properly presented. 

    Lastly, we all celebrated the Math and Science. We all celebrated by having a Quiz Bowl, an Exhibit presented by the JHS ( Junior High School ) also Senior High, and Eco Fashion. The Quiz Bowl participants were given awards as they won places aswell as the Eco Fashion. Eco Fashion was a unique activity as they wore clothes was made by recycled materials and made by the students each sections. They also were awarded. It was a amazing day with each different events happening in a day. 


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