By: Madeleine Mae M. Verdida

      "I have been embraced by a new community. That is what happens when you are finally honest about who you are; you find others like you." - Chaz Bono. A world is full of discrimination and prejudice that you can't love and live by being who you are. Living in fear and hiding because you're scared of being judged by whom you love and what you want to be. I want to say, who cares? Love who you want and be whom you like. Be honest of who you are because it shows the best of you.   

     On November 2, 1969, Craig Rodwell, his partner Fred Sargeant, Ellen Broidy, and Linda Rhodes proposed the first gay pride parade to be held in New York City by way of a resolution at the Eastern Regional Conference of Homophile Organizations (ERCHO) meeting in Philadelphia. This year's pride month celebrated in March 2020; Pride parades are parades that celebrate the LGBTQ+ community which stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, non-binary and queer. It's a parade of acceptance of love. If you silence to voice of LGBTQ+, it gives a higher risk of problems for they are fearing to be who they are the cause of their community supporting homophobia, biphobia, and transphobia which in the end hurts all of us and the mental health of the youth. Keeping homophobia, biphobia, and transphobia is also a sign of violence which supporting it can also be subjected as harassment. Those parents that accept their child as they are, their child's self-esteem boosts up and feel more confident about themselves. LGBTQ+ is not the problem; it's the society which is the problem.  

   In this current generation, most of the LGBTQ+ people have struggled to find a shelter that accepts them. LGBTQ+ youth is also at risk cause at school; they experience bullying and abuse anywhere at their houses or the establishment. You can help LGBTQ+ people by respecting what they want to be and whom they love. Don't support things such as given before, which is again homophobia, biphobia, and transphobia. "We should indeed keep calm in the face of difference, and live our lives in a state of inclusion and wonder at the diversity of humanity." -George Takei.

References Used:

Celebrating Pride: 17 Powerful LGBTQ Quotes: Jeremy Goldman ( 2015, June 15 ) Retrieved from

Why it's important to support LGBTQ Teens: ( 2016, December 1 ) Retrieved from

(Pride Parade: ( 2020, September 25) Retrieved from,(ERCHO)%20meeting%20in%20Philadelphia.0


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